An Open Letter to Our Superintendent

Dear Dr. Teresa Rensch (future superintendent of District No.41),

I hope that you know that we are not all as hateful and hurtful as it appears we are on social media.

I hope that you know that some of us have taken the time to research your previous school’s approach to learning, have made educated and critically thought-out decisions about what you could be offering to this little town, and,

I hope you know that some of us think it looks absolutely amazing!

I hope you know that there are people who truly do love people regardless of their gender, race, social status, or the state they came from.

I hope you know…

Our community is better than this. Change is hard, but change cannot be accomplished with hard hearts and rooted minds. I believe your road ahead will be pretty rocky, but there will be support from many, and I just pray that this community will find a way to encourage and uplift those helping to shape our children’s futures rather than tearing them down in front of them.

I hope that all of you who prematurely persecuted a person based on rumors and your own personal speculations are just as generous when it comes time to apologize.

Dr. Rensch, thank you for accepting this incredibly challenging position as our superintendent, and we are looking forward to working with you!